Hello my name is Sharan and I am a pastel artist from Queensland, Australia. My art journey started in 2019 when I picked up a pencil to draw my beloved little dog who had sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Having not drawn since I was a child at school, I was very surprised to see what was coming to life before me. I had no idea what I was doing and I'd never had a lesson... The only explanation I have is that this was his gift to me from the other side, that's how I like to think of it anyway and I'm forever grateful for this.

Since that first drawing I did, it felt natural to continue on with pencils and then I moved on to soft pastels and pastel pencils. This is a medium I love for not only the tactile nature of it but for the vibrancy of the pigments and purity of colours. No other medium has the ability to create realistic looking animal fur like pastels do (in my opinion) and as an animal artist, this is why pastels are my medium of choice.

Each of my artworks is highly detailed and this takes many hours of building and layering with the soft pastel sticks to create depth and finishing the finer details with pastel pencils. From pet portraits to wildlife art, the general process is the same. I use a photographic reference, sometimes several, to achieve the final look I'm happy with and that I feel does justice to the subject. My wildlife art can also be commissioned either by way of a particular photograph you have or by way of a particular animal you want but have no specific photograph, in which case we can collaborate on that.

I spend many hours choosing my wildlife subjects as many are a combination of multiple images and then many more hours in the process. These original works are for sale along with a certain number of limited edition prints.



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